If you have an active Essential subscription, you will need to upgrade to Advanced or Professional in order to stream in Rekordbox, or any other DJ software.
If you have an active Advanced or Professional subscription, and are receiving an error message requiring an upgrade in order to stream in Rekordbox, please try the following steps:
- Open Rekordbox, log out of Beatport if you are logged in.
- Shift + right-click on Beatport, and select "Clear Settings".
*You must be logged out for the option to appear.
- Then, log into Beatport in Rekordbox.
If your subscription is active, you should now be able to stream in Rekordbox without any issues.
If you are still seeing error messages after following these instructions, you can find Pioneer's further troubleshooting steps for resolving the issue here.
If Pioneer's suggestions in the link above do not work for you, please reach out to Customer Support and provide the following info:
1. Your Rekordbox version
2. Your OS + version
3. Your Beatport/Beatsource username
4. Let us know if you've tried all steps in this article. Send us a screen recording following the process in Pioneer's instructions, so we can understand what is happening on your system.
Here are instructions for making screen recordings:
For Mac